Venous lake angioma (also known as Phlebectasia) is dilated blood vessel that blanch on pressure and is typically a dark blue to violet colour papule, up to a centimetre in size at its widest point.
Venous lakes are common and may affect more than one member of a family, but they are not inherited and are not contagious. They are benign (harmless) and are not cancerous.
Venous lakes tend to be isolated, soft to the touch and is most often seen on the lower lip. Venous lakes most commonly occur in adults older than 50 years with a history of long-term sun exposure.
The lesion can be examined with a dermatoscope (an instrument which assists in close examination of the skin). Sometimes Venous Lake angioma may be confused with a malignant melanoma, if both are dark in colour and of recent origin. They can be differentiated by excision biopsy.
Venous Lake angiomas are usually asymptomatic. The helix of the ears, face, and hands are other commonly affected areas. Once formed, Venous Lake persists throughout life. Except for occasional associated bleeding and cosmetic problems, the lesion’s course is uncomplicated.
Treatment may be requested for cosmetic reasons. The most common method to eliminate it include cryosurgery, surgical excision, laser photocoagulation, laser vaporization, and infrared coagulation.
Traditional techniques such as surgical excision are effective, but leaves a scar. Among these treatments, laser therapy has become the mainstay of therapy. The high rate of success is attributed to the deep penetrating long-pulse Nd: YAG wavelength laser, with a clearance rate of 94% after a single treatment, leaving no scarring skin or other complications.
Laser therapy is highly effective treatment for Venous lakes of the lip and proves to be the safest and effective way to treat these angiomas.
At Derma Mind laser clinic, we use FDA approved Cynosure Elite laser.
Treatment is very straight forward. As photocoagulation process refers, it targets the haemoglobin in the enlarged vein, heating it up and causing the vessel to shrink.
Pain is very minimal, with some slight discomfort at the very moment of the laser shot. Immediately after laser treatment, all patients develop slight swelling of the treated area that could last 1 to 2 days.
You should see the actual result after 2 - 4 weeks post procedure.
IMPORTANT! If you have been seen by GP or dermatologist already and have a letter with you regarding a venous lake, we will ask you to bring it upon your first meeting with us.